💡 From Snoop Dog’s NFT newsletter: MediciMinutes.com ****
- “The biggest disconnect people have in this space is thinking that their idols are altruistic. Everyone has an angle…some more acute than others.” - @krybharat
- "1) Endurance and passion are your most important assets.2) The overlap of culture, tech, & economics here is a cradle for a collective of polymaths. Learn from them & possibilities are endless.3) If you’re early enough to be mocked for it, you’re early enough to shape it. " - @ClaireSilver12
- "Filter out the noise" - @GuidoDisalle
- "My mindset I learned at the start of crypto is that EVERYTHING in this space is a lesson, an L is a lesson, why did it go wrong. a rug, what were the signs? a bad NFT, why did it not thrive. But also Wins, why did they succeed, what did they do and what to look out for." - @J2Trappy_
- "The less you do, the more you make. (It’s by me btw)" - @nullinger
- "Learn the culture." - @NudeYogaGirl
- "Don’t 'ape' into projects. As someone with limited funds trying to make it- 'ape' ing can set you back heavily if the project fails. Wait for a dip. Most often, if something is mooning it will usually have a dip. If it doesn't, in those cases I missed out and should move on." - @maanstermind
- "Make connections! There are so many amazing people in this space. Take the time to get know them. Comment on posts don't just shill, make friends. Treat people the way you want to be treated." - @line_art_nfts
- "Think long term. Put your ETH into long term builders who have a real plan, product market fit and understand that these NFT projects are actually all businesses that need to be built brick by brick. If you DYOR and connect with something or someone, trust your instincts and yolo." - @schmooey
- “Whenever possible buy at least two of every project - one to flip and one to hodl” - @deirdremaloney
- "Patience, buy what you love and play with what you can afford to lose!" - @DomQwek
- “Learn Marketing" - @cathsimard_
- “While this is a fun and exciting time technologically, it’s also a huge moment for art history. Be sure to lift up artists from marginalized communities where you can whether that’s with a retweet or collecting their NFTs. This is a chance for voices that were once silenced or stolen from to not be lost to history this time.” - @sarah_script
- "If you have to do anything on the block chain in a rush, stop, and don’t do it. 99% of hacks create a massive FOMO moment where you drop your guard and mess up OPSEC because you are in rush… Then your wallet is gone." - @VanArman
- “Don’t blindly buy from tracked whale wallets. You don’t know the context and most likely will get rekt.” - @kdean… And here’s my personal favorite, from my fren @seedphrase:
- “People only care about the floors, or the top 1% in any collection. Not realizing that has cost me a lot of money”.