<aside> <img src="/icons/error_gray.svg" alt="/icons/error_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Crypto Art Newsletters Worth Reading The Ethereum Merge Art Media
Discover more Crypto Art and NFT newsletters worth reading from our friends in the community:
NFTs post Merge: listen to the Twitter Space Fanny co-hosted for Right Click Save today with eminent speakers from the crypto art space where we covered the impact of the Merge, specifically for the Crypto Art Ecosystem: Yes, the Merge is a major technical milestone, but it is only a step in everything that has been done so far to build the crypto art space. It also does not invalidate all other blockchains available to artists and might even help segment the choice of blockchain by use case. In any case, full speed ahead!
The merge went well. So well, we were even wondering if it did happen when the East Coast woke up on Thursday morning. We are so addicted to drama that it almost seems like a non-event. To understand the historical importance of the merge, rewatch the live party of the Merge from the Ethereum Foundation with great insights about what the Merge is (you might want to fast forward through some of the over 3h-long video:
The Ethereum Merge Is Done. Did It Work?
Ethereum community wastes no time minting PoS NFTs right after the Merge
Some of the remaining risks including the centralization of 64% of the staked ETH by 5 entities only:
64% of staked ETH controlled by five entities - Nansen
Artnet's latest article claims again that all "NFTs" are dying. But it is talking about all sorts of NFTs, mixing up many use cases that have nothing to do with each other. We need to get past the generalization of the format that can be used for many different use cases, gaming, art, collectibles, etc. Let's report on each use case separately, please. They have different time horizons, challenges, pros and cons. Nobody writes about websites in general, do they?
The Boom and the Bust: How NFTs Went the Way of Beanie Babies | Artnet News